

What Does This Study Guide Do?

This Study Guide is an added resource to give you a systematic, up-close and personal look into Anthony DeStefano’s book Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To. Prepared by Jimmy and Carol Owens, it will show you how to dig more deeply into each prayer, make them an active part of your own experience, and recognize wonderful results! When you put God-given information into practice, it becomes revelation that can change everything.

You may do this study by yourself, but we urge you to find some other folks who are hungry for a new connection with God, and go on this trip together. Sharing your prayer-experiences will encourage everybody and keep the energy charging! The Study Guide is there to help you do it.

And here is the big “plus”: Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To may be only the beginning of ongoing spiritual fellowship and growth for your group, and for your church. When you have finished the Ten Prayers study, you’ll be more experienced in prayer, deeper in faith, and ready to take on something new. Just ask your priest or pastor for suggestions and keep right on going!

Jimmy and Carol Owens are pioneers in contemporary Christian music. They have been writing and publishing for more than thirty years. Their musical productions and tours have been done in the largest halls and cathedrals all over the world. They have been published by Lexicon Music, Sparrow (EMI), Maranatha! and Word Music.

Their books include "If My People," and "Words and Music" published by Word, and "Heal Our Land" published by Fleming H. Revell. "Their God Songs" was awarded Editor’s Choice and Book of the Year by Worship Music.com, and their new “Restoring A Nation’s Foundations,” published by Foursquare Media, will be released in September. Carol has contributed considerable material to the NIV Worship Bible, published by Marantha/Zondervan, and to the Women of Destiny Bible, published by Thomas Nelson.



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