Publishers Weekly
Reviewed 2007-03-12 |
Books on prayer are legion, most often focusing on why we should pray and how to do it correctly. DeStefano, author of A Travel Guide to Heaven, offers readers a refreshing look at this evergreen topic by focusing on 10 prayers God "always" answers. "Why don't people take advantage of prayers that work- One big reason is that they are so caught up in prayers that don’t always work," says DeStefano. He offers readers this guarantee: "before you even get to the last page of this book, your life will begin to change before your eyes." Prayers include "God, show me that you exist," "God, forgive me," "God, give me courage" and "God, lead me to my destiny." DeStefano uses the Christian Bible as the foundation for his work, not offering quick fixes but instead expounding on the need for true repentance, right motives and genuine commitment. More conservative camps will most likely cluck at what they see as DeStefano's lack of firmness about salvation as a prerequisite to both heard and answered prayer, but a careful reading shows that the author understands faith, not selfishness, is the foundation for these prayers. His cheerful style and heartfelt faith make this an optimistic look at a timeless subject. (May)